Pinball repair tools
These are the basic tools that I use in repairing machines. I can vouch for the tools listed here (except * items) because I own them and use them
- Hakko FR300 desoldering iron
- Small open end wrench set
- Dewalt DWHT70265 T handle hex key set
- 3 picks (straight, right angle, curve)
- 1/4″ and 5/16″ magnetic nut drivers 6″ length
- Klein nut driver set
- Small socket set
- Craftsman digital level
- Contact cleaning tool (not nail file)
- Hobby Creek helping hands set
- Switch adjusting tool
- Right angle Phillips head and flat head screwdrivers
- Soldering iron station (search forums for a decent one)
- Manual solder “sucker”
- LED light that straps to your head
- Small jewelers hammer
- Pin punch set
- Molex round pin removal tool .156
- The longest #1 Philips head screwdriver you can buy
- Plastic pry bar set
- Multimeter with a good set of test leads including alligator clips
- Needle nose pliers (high quality)
- High quality crimper for .156 Trifurcon style terminations
- Allen or “hex” key sets in both metric and SAE (don’t buy the ones that fold up, get the “L” shaped ones
- Mini socket wrench set (the ones that are really tiny and have an adapter that fits into wrench to use in tight spaces…only goes up in size to 3/8ths or so)
- Magnetic retrieval device (telescoping)
- “Grabber” retrieval device (punch button and “fingers” pop out other end to grab stuff in tight places)
- Telescoping mirror
- Plastic razor blades
- Fuse puller tool (not the little yellow one)
- IDC wire insertion tool
- Bulb removal tool
- 3,000 RPM electric drill
- Adjustable plumbers pliers
- Flipper gauge
- Feeler gauge set
- Jewelers screwdriver set
- Heat sink for soldering
- Forceps of various sizes for holding wires while soldering
- Spare alligator clips for holding wires while soldering
- Titan ratcheting magnetic screwdriver – note, shaft if 6.5″. This screwdriver is very high quality for the price and you can add any bits you want:
- bits to remove cap screws on flipper mechs
- bits to remove hex head screws (even unslotted, as the screwdriver had a socket adapter)
- bits for star screws, security screws, etc., etc.
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